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Automating Deployment of Static Sites in TonicsCloud

In this guide, I would be showing you how to deploy static sites automatically in TonicsCloud, it takes care of all the configuration for you unlike our other guides where we were doing it manually, let's crack it...

I have prepared the following materials:


  1. The first thing you should do if you haven't is to deploy an instance: Deploying an Instance in TonicsCloud
  2. If you are managing the domain in TonicsCloud: Point your domain to your instance

Automating Deployment of Static Sites

Once you have deployed your instance and you are sure that the domain is pointed or binded to the instance, then, all that is left is to deploy your static site.

Please use dnschecker.org to check if the domain is pointed to your Instance IP address

To create a container, click on the Cloud menu, and click Add Container:

You would be presented the container form, please:

  1. Add the container name
  2. The container description (optional)
  3. In the Deployment Options, click Automations, choose TonicsCloud - Standalone Static Site if you only want one website, however, if you want to host multiple sites (meaning multiple containers) on your instance, please choose: TonicsCloud - Multiple Static Site
  4. Then, add your domain name (no http or https protocol please, example.com instead of http(s):exmple.com), email, and the archive file, it is identical for multiple static site as well, except you can add more sites
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and hit Deploy Container, wait for the container(s) to get deployed and you are done.

Once the container is deployed, there is nothing left for you to do as everything is automated, both the port to use, or the Apps in the container, you can check the progress of the App by clicking Apps:

It would show you the progress, the automation should be done in  2 to 4 minutes, if you are deploying multiple websites, the automation is done in parallel, meaning, it still shouldn't take more than 4 minutes for everything, good luck!