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Deploying an Instance in TonicsCloud

In this guide, I will walk you through the process of deploying an instance in TonicsCloud, it is super simple, let's go...

Deploy an Instance

First, ensure you are login as a customer, e.g: youradmin.com/customer/login, if you are signed up through tonics.app, then that is tonics.app/customer/login

To Add a new Instance, go-to: Cloud โ†’ Instances โ†’ Add New

You would see the instance form, choose the instance name, the region you want the instance to be deployed to and the plan you want.

Hit Deploy Instance to deploy it, then wait for a while for the instance to be configured, might take between 1 minute to 5 minutes, chill out and take some ๐Ÿต

Once the instance is deployed, you would get Running in the status, if you are not getting any info, please hit the reload after a minutes or so:

Instance Info (Getting Instance IP Addresses, etc)

Once the instance is in the running state, you can either start to Add Container, please click the Edit button to get the IP info if you are managing the domain records outside of TonicsCloud:

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