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Road To Release

This category would feature articles of road to release...

  • A Faster Router System in PHP - Part 2 (Improvement & Benchmarks)

    Welcome. This guide would build on part one of the Faster Router in PHP. Here is part one: https://tonics.app/posts/ff9af70984746b91/faster-router-php I'll provide answers to the common questio

  • A Faster Router System in PHP

    This is a high-level guide in my road-to-release category describing how I created a faster router library for Tonics CMS in PHP.  Please, note that I am posting this in the hope that someone so

  • TonicsAI - Integration of Generative AI (Chat, Image, etc.)

    This is another guide in Tonics Road To Release category, in case you don't know what it is, Tonics is a General Multi-Purpose Modular CMS, you can read more about its Architecture & Features

  • Tonics Toc - Table of Content Algorithm

    This is another guide in Tonics Road To Release category, in case you don't know what it is, Tonics is a General Multi-Purpose Modular CMS, you can read more about its Architecture & Features (Qui

  • Running Long-Running Tasks in PHP: Best Practices and Techniques

    In todays guide on the Road To Release category, I am sharing some best practices and techniques I learnt while working on the daemon that manages Tonics Job and Schedule Manager.

  • The Field Module

    In this guide, I would introduce the Field Module which is the engine powering Fields of components in Tonics, let's get to it..

  • Tonics Architecture & Features (Quick Overview)

    In this post, I would share a quick overview of the tonics architecture, note that there are so many things to share about this project, I am only doing a quick overview as a way to warm-up, let's get

Sub Categories

  • Tonics Libraries

    This section would feature the library I used to develop tonics, I'll discuss about the inspiration behind each library and how I came up with it.

  • Tonics Modules

    In this section, I am gonna discuss about each Tonics Module, why I built the Module and how it works behind the scene, stay tuned...